Our beginner sessions are held on Sundays at Port Edgar Yacht Club. These are organised by our dinghy secretary (dinghysec@eusc.org.uk). You will be sailing dinghies (Fireflies or Wayfarers) or yachts (Hunter 707s) depending on the day and your preference. We meet outside the university gym (Pleasance) at 9.30 where kit can be collected for those who need it! We then get the train or bus to Port Edgar for a fun-filled day of sailing. Your instructor will travel with you so you hopefully won’t get lost!
These sessions are run by an RYA qualified dinghy instructor along with 1 or 2 assistants (depending on class size). There is safety boat cover at all times – so fear not, we will not leave you upside down in the water!
All abilities are welcome and we are keen to cater for specific interests whether that be complete beginners or people wanting to learn a bit more about team racing. If you have any questions or worries just send an email to the dinghy sec (as above). We want you to get as much out of the session as possible!
Sign up sheets will be posted weekly on our Facebook Group