The Courses We Offer
We run beginner sessions every Sunday through Port Edgar Water sports (located just under the forth bridges). You can join our Facebook page for more information and don’t hesitate to email for any course related question big or small! Our sessions follow the RYA courses outlined below:
RYA Level 1
This is aimed at complete beginners who may have never been in a boat before. It starts with the very basics and aims to get you comfortable in a boat learning how to steer, turn and have knowledge about wind direction and the basics of sailing. By the end of the course you will be able to sail in light winds under supervision.
RYA Level 2
This is the step up from Level 1. It aims to improve your skills and teaches you rigging, launching, sailing in all directions as well as capsize recovery technique practice and essential safety knowledge.
You will be able to sail by yourself and make decisions in fair conditions.
RYA seamanship skills
This course will only run if there is sufficient interest. It is aimed at intermediate sailors who would like to improve their sailing and get past the stage of just sailing around! This courses teaches you how to handle a boat in all circumstances and some techniques of how to solve various problems that may occur whilst afloat.
It include: man overboard, stopping the boat, backwards sailing, sailing without a rudder, reducing sail whilst afloat and anchoring.
There are racing courses from beginners to advanced. If you have no racing experience and would like to give it a try then the Start racing course is for you. However if you have racing experience and would like to improve then there more advanced courses will likely be more suitable. We will also be offering team racing coaching at the intermediate Sunday sessions so do come along to these and try it out!
Other courses
Depending on interest, there may be scope to run a first aid course and a dinghy instructor course. If you would be interested in either of those then please let us know as soon as possible. These will likely be run in the second semester but need to be organised well in advance.
Contact the Dinghy Secretary for more information on any of the above.