1. All persons who sail will be fully paid up members of the Club (student or non
2. A person trained in first aid will accompany all formally organised sailing at Linlithgow,
Royal Forth Yacht Club (RFYC) or other events.
3. A comprehensive first aid kit will accompany all formally organised sailing.
4. A qualified RYA instructor or person deemeed by the Committee to have equivalent
knowledge will accompany all formally organised sailing.
5. All racing organised by the Club will follow I.S.A.F. and Scottish Student Sailing
(SSSailing) league rules.
6. Safety Boat Cover : All formally organised sailing i.e. on Wednesdays, Saturdays and
Sundays will be accompanied by a rescue boat.
The helm of the rescue boat will be qualified to at least RYA Powerboat Level 2.
A maximum of six sailing boats plus one wayfarer with an RYA Instructor to one
If the helm of the rescue boat, Group Leader or the Race Officer decides that
the weather conditions are unsuitable for sailing then they are no longer
obliged to provide cover. If people then decide to sail they are bound by
the‘Buddy sailing rule” (see point 11.).
If it is not a formal event with a Race Officer or Group leader e.g. team
training, then it is the responsibility for the three Team Captains to reach a
consensus about the suitability of the weather conditions.
7. Safety Boat Equipment : The following will be present in the safety boat when it is in
use: adequate petrol, tow rope, paddle, first aid kit, horn or radio and whistle and a kill
cord to be attached to the driver when the boat is in use and left in the boat when it is not
in use.
8. Personal Safety : buoyancy aids will be worn by all persons on the water at all times.
All persons on the water must be able to swim 50 m.
The Club recommends that wet or dry suits are worn at all times on the water and will
All members will be advised of the dangers of hypothermia.
9. All boats will have adequate buoyancy.
10. Restrictions to sailing: sailing is only allowed when Linlithgow Loch is open to the
public, these times change throughout the year. All boats must be off the water by 4 p.m.
and sailors must be out of the Loch grounds by 4.30 p.m.
11. ‘Buddy Sailing Rule’ : those members deemed responsible and competent by the
Committee are allowed to sail at times other than Wednesday afternoon, Saturday and
Sunday morning provided there are at least two craft on the water to give assistance if
necessary. The rescue boat must be set up and on stand-by in case it is needed. Under
these circumstances the persons sailing are responsible for their own safety and that of
the boats.
12. Responsibility for complying for the Safety Policy shall lie with the member on
joining, the Group Leader, the Race Officer and the rescue boat helm.
13. Non compliance shall lead to loss of membership of Edinburgh University Sailing
Club and possible Sports Union disciplinary action.
14. An accidents and damages book will be kept by the Secretary of the Club.
rescue boat will be maintained.
endeavour to provide wet suits for all sailors.