The highly anticipated SSS Crouton cup marked the first event where both Edinburgh’s newly formed yacht teams were competing. With eight boats from Glasgow, Aberdeen, Strathclyde, Dundee and Newcastle, all the 707s were being used and provided a good competition with some close racing. Saturday morning’s stronger winds provided a challenge for us, and many of the boats had some serious problems with the kite (including Edinburgh 2 – not to be spoken about.) Entertainingly for the other sailors, Newcastle sailed the wrong course and were forced to go back, losing their lead and allowing Edinburgh 1 to take the gun on the first race. Edinburgh 2 led the fleet in the second race, but after yet more spinnaker troubles lost the lead and Edinburgh 1 took first place, with Newcastle in second. After lunch Edinburgh 1 lost their winning streak when Edinburgh 2 quite literally undertook them and won their first race – blame the slow boat of course. Race 4 and 5 saw Dundee and Newcastle with a win, and some nail-bitingly close racing between Edinburgh 1 and 2, each taking a 2nd and 3rd. After a quick swim for Suzy and Emily, the first day finished with Edinburgh 1 in the lead, Edinburgh 2 only one point behind and Newcastle close on their heels in 3rd place.
Everyone was nice and fresh on the Sunday morning, horrendously hungover and perhaps still a bit drunk; totally ready for the light wind sailing that the day offered. Both Edinburgh teams did themselves proud on the first race of the day, with Edinburgh 1 in first and Edinburgh 2 coming last by quite an impressive distance. The second race was completed in some …. interesting conditions, with a 180 ̊ wind shift in the 20 minute race, but overall gave similar results with Edinburgh 1 winning and Edinburgh 2 in 5th. Two second places for Newcastle in these races meant that Edinburgh 1 had all but secured the win for the event, but second place would be closely fought for. After another boat change and some motivational stripping from DJ ‘I am slut’ (Emily Whyte), Edinburgh 2 got their mojo back and gave Edinburgh 1 a run for their money in the last two races. Achieving a first and second place each, and Newcastle getting two 4ths, the event ended with Edinburgh’s teams victorious (Edinburgh 1 in 1st, Edinburgh 2 in 2nd) and Newcastle, having given us some good competition (but not quite good enough) in 3rd.
Overall it was a great weekend in which everyone enjoyed themselves. All the boats improved in their sailing showing that we started working better as teams; learning a lot about how to use the kite, how to work the boats in the temperamental winds, and that Callum’s music taste is definitely that of a white American cheerleader.